The DI Doctor
- 32
Recession Minded Thinking
Fear and uncertainty. It is almost impossible to separate those two words. This is the theme of the current economy, and there are unfortunate signs of this everywhere. The Post Office has longer lines as there are fewer people at the counter. Your large retail stores seem to have fewer people to assist customers or even to sweep the floors. Does this mean you and I should succumb to recession minded thinking? Absolutely not.
When client's see this confidence in our eyes and hear it in our voices, they will soon be sharing the same feeling. Has anything changed about the need to protect one's ability to earn income? Of course it hasn't. The need has only grown stronger, as the consequences of not being able to earn income have become direr.
As I lead my family and co workers into the 4th of July weekend, I can not help but remember that we are nation of entrepreneurs, with a history of setting examples for the world to see. In our industry I consider daily that there are always possibilities between the available tools of discounts, simplified underwriting, guaranteed standard issue, and underwriting exceptions for medical issues. There are always possibilities…
It is not the responsibility of one man to restore this nation's economy, it is the duty of every person that is willing to contribute an effort. In our industry we can be an example of this attitude as we work hard to protect this nation's greatest asset. Our families.
Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!