Before contracting with all these companies, which companies in Georgia are going to have competive rates and commissions. I am currently appointed with MO/UW through SMS and, after reading everyones response, I will probably contract with ANTEX and UnitedHealth/AARP through SMS. If their are better contracts or opportunities with other companies, please share.
In building a block of business, why wouldn't I want to place the majority of my business with that company?? And if there is one company that competitve, why do I need access to other companies? In two years I have seen UM premium increase from $98 to $134.
In building a block of business, why wouldn't I want to place the majority of my business with that company?? And if there is one company that competitve, why do I need access to other companies? In two years I have seen UM premium increase from $98 to $134.