Reform: Obama Plan Beginning to Gasp for Air

I forgot something else that happened. Not easy finding a qualified neurosurgeon on this plan, found one at Vandy, wife and I go for a consult and he is talking about how he would operate on the tumor. The procedure he was going to use was antiquated, but as he is using his hand to show how it went, we noticed he was missing the middle two fingers on both hands. We looked at each other and couldn't believe it, sorry I prefer my brain surgeon to have all his digits, call me crazy. My point, most people don't have a clue how bad this will be.
In all fairness, it's pretty bad now. IF you're lucky enough to be with a major corporation you likely have great coverage...for yourself. Go ahead and price up adding your family.

Fewer companies are offering coverage and there's nothing there - no safety net. Most states don't have risk pools and those that do have either waiting periods, limited benefit plans or the rates are obscene.

It's broke and something needs to be fixed. It's just a matter of what gets done to fix it. The "just go get a job" mentality is out the window in this kind of economy.
I hate to ruin the incestuous feel here, but I have been looking into this issue as a small business owner and stumbled onto this forum. Clearly I can understand why you guys are worried, but just criticizing this plan is a no-win cop out for insurance companies.

If you want to be critical, why not talk about something productive, like why the medical and insurance industries have put themselves in a completely unsustainable position that is forcing our government to consider such a massive and drastic change? Or better, how could the industry be reformed to be sustainable without this plan? Get your lobbying orgs to represent those ideas as an alternative! That seems like a better alternative than the whining and waiting thing I see here.

I am a small business owner and have 40 employees. ALL of my staff (and myself) have seen their insurance rates increase by more than double over the past three years. 5 of them have seen it double in each of the past 3 years. One couple of 50 year old non-smokers with no known health issues had their premium increase from $400 to just over $1000 with no notice for 2009 (from January). He makes about $36k per year so a $7200 no notice increase is a back breaker. Think about it from these peoples point of view. If 20% of their income goes to income taxes, 33% goes to health care and 25% goes to a mortgage/ homeowners insurance/property taxes that leaves 12% $350 a month to live off of. Food? Gas? They haven't paid for co-pays or drugs. Can they enjoy life? Can they save for retirement? Can they have cable? Can they buy a car!!!!?? 40% of people in the US have this income level or lower.

AND THE WORST PART, recent trends would say they should expect their rates to increase again next year.

The basic issue is that costs for health care cannot grow at rates that are several times greater than wage growth in the long run. IT is unsustainable. Even people making good money will eventually not be able to afford it.

Look inward. Why are costs going up?

BTW, I am not necessarily for or against this public plan, but I am for fixing this issue. I lived and worked in Japan for 7 years with National health care and it worked just fine. That should scare you. In fact, I can go to the doctor there without insurance and pay less than I do with insurance in the US in many cases. Doesn't that seem like a problem? And they have solid health care, so please don't embarrass yourselves ignorantly claim it is of lesser quality.

However, I think our government could screw it up. I'd prefer that the market recognized their impending doom and took painful steps to reform itself. It may be too late, but maybe not.

I don't really mean this to sound negative. Many agents have little influence over this individually, but collectively you could. There will be painful change soon, whether the government or the market dictate it. Rather than just demonizing the politicians who are acting on the will of 72% of the public according to a recent poll regarding support of health care. Work on solving the core problem with the industry.

Good luck, I hope whatever we do as a country it works out!