Repealing Obamacare and Restoring a Free Market in Healthcare

Industrial Revolution- Market that was drastically changed by machinery, huge wealth creation/accumulation
Computer Boom- Revolutionary market that never existed, multiple billionaires.

All periods of Capitalism!
Anything that can be "done", can be "un-done". Why exactly can't this piece of cr$p be repealed? Because wormy politicians say so? I think we need to hold the Republican candidates for Congress accountable to repeal the Bill. But they are politicians which means they are liars and whores so I guess that is a problem. Any Republican running for Congress in November needs to take a pledge to repeal the Bill. Maybe agents should ban together and sue the insurance companies and Goberment when we are cut out of the pie and lose our livelihoods?
Anything that can be "done", can be "un-done"

Give an entitlement to a group, it's political suicide to take it away. Beyond would you like to be the Republican opposition taking away GI for the 7 year old boy with cancer? Or God forbid, the boy with cancer would have to pay more for coverage than average? Good luck on that campaign.

I suspect there will always be some opportunity in the health market, for how many producers and whether it'll be very profitable, it remains to be seen. Despite the bold predications of many on here in both directions, no one knows. Period. Just because you can fool yourself into having conviction that you'll be right, doesn't mean that you'll be right.
I could make the argument that is political suicide not to take it away...if the Republicans are vying for power and the taxpayers and guys like you and me are the ones who are going to be paying for this entitlement, doesn't that count for something?

The whole Bill doesn't have to be demolished...we could work out the last point.
National risk pool is up and running - not a peep from the White House. Obama gets to claim victory without actually advertising it - thereby driving countless thousands to the pool and watching it all implode.

If he's reelected, the exchanges won't hit until he's 2 year into his lame duck presidency and at that point, he really doesn't give two cr*ps.

Anyone think he'd be stupid enough to have the exchanges implemented before his next term? Not a shot in hell.
Nullification and the 10th amendment. There is legislation that will nullify at the state level what the encroaching federal government is trying to enforce.
They are trying to do it with the Real ID act, and states aren't complying. What is the gov't gonna do? Nothing...
You all are right, it won't be repealed, but thats in the federal area. It will be repealed at the level of the state.
Give an entitlement to a group

Of the 32 million (soon to be) newly insureds, half are going on Medicaid. They probably won't like that even if it is free. They will still clog the ER and complain about the lack of access to free care.

The other 16 million don't like the idea of being forced to buy coverage and won't be able to afford it any way.

Let Obamapool go forward and cram 16 million in to Medicaid and leave the rest of us alone which is what most want any way.