Replacement.....What Do You Think About This?


1000 Post Club
A few days ago, I get an email saying one of my clients is doing a transfer. After researching her policy, I realize it is only a year old. I looked at my notes and saw that when I signed her up for payroll deduction, she also had an ING policy that she stopped contributing to. Also I checked to see what her account was earning and even though I had it allocated to a couple of different buckets, it was earning 6.75% on the last three year end deposits on the 'ending' account or 'point to point'. I thought maybe she was transferring due to poor earnings but 6.75% on all three ending deposits was not bad at all so I figured that this wasn't the problem.

I called the client and she said she met with a Valic rep (AIG) and he suggested moving this account and her old ING. The ING account was 3 years old and would carry significant surrender charges which is why I never moved it when she signed up with me. Her account with me would also carry significant surrender charges. All total, surrender charges would be close to $400.00, which she was unaware of and also was not aware that the account she was going into with him was sensitive to risk (either VA or mutual funds).

This AIG/Valic guy seems on the shady side to me. He never told her about surrender charges or her ability to lose money (according to her), which both are two things she is admittedly against upon my explanation by doing as he suggested. Even if he did, I'm not sure it would still be OK to do this.

Is this even legal? There was no reason to move the money. I was taught that when moving money like this, there had to be a reason to do it such as it has to be better for the client. Maybe going from fixed accounts to securities is better for some folks but she doesn't want that and also we have the surrender charges to throw into the equation. Doesn't seem ethical to me and perhaps just flat out wrong in the eyes of FDOI. :skeptical:
If he was moving it to a VA or mutual funds, he has to get it past compliance. It would be interesting to see how he justified the transaction, doesn't sound suitable at all. The transaction might not be illegal, but what he wrote on the VA paperwork may well constitute fraud.
Remember SHE has to complain. There's no law against you providing the contacts and phone numbers and even what the complaint is about.

Having someone drop a contract early with surrender penalties is a no no. Can't always rely on their compliance to catch it either.

Have the client file a complaint. It will get resolved asap.
Having someone drop a contract early with surrender penalties is a no no. Can't always rely on their compliance to catch it either.

That is an overreach. There are times that replacement during surrender is a suitable transacation. It is incumbent upon the producer to properly document why the surrender is suitable. Based on what Ob1kanobee describe, it sounds like the replacement paperwork may have been fudged.
So the real question is did you get the transfer stopped? And this old ING account can you get an AOR on it?
This is why I always choose the A commission option. I don't have to waste time convincing people that they are making a mistake.
This is why I always choose the A commission option. I don't have to waste time convincing people that they are making a mistake.

That's why you won't make it in this business. This business is not about transactions as much is it's about relationships. The first post actually shows this. This woman was willing to go with anyone that came to her door step because she didn't have a relationship with the original planner.
That's why you won't make it in this business. This business is not about transactions as much is it's about relationships. The first post actually shows this. This woman was willing to go with anyone that came to her door step because she didn't have a relationship with the original planner.

Really? I'm at the 12 year mark. How many more years until I've made it?