Republicans move to repeal law that saves older Americans billions in health care costs

But rather obviously puts considerably more money in his own pockets.
God bless Elon and Bezos etc for being able to make billions that is the epitome of the capitalism but they can only make those billions by squeezing and exploiting their workers and with the ability to avoid taxation and regulation through legislation that they exert much influence on.Again nothing illegal or IMO as a fiscal conservative libertarian wrong about this but it is the working man class ,walmart shoppers trump supporters that are going to be hurt the most by this and they don't even see it.They are going to see less jobs and higher walmart prices very soon and trump won't even pretend to care anymore because he is not worried about being reelected again.
Libs despise success. He's made more people millionaires then anyone on else planet
Yup, by stuffing electric vehicles down our throats according to MAGA, who suddenly support climate change strategies, thereby acknowledging climate changes exists. Thank you Elon.