Reputable and reliable Canadian pharmacies?

Question about a specific situation:
Maple Leaf Meds has the best deal, when ordering, for Eliquis' generic: Apixaban. Lower cost than the name brand, which is also dispensed in non USA type quantities. 168 instead of 180 for example.
Not sure if the USA doctor would write a script for a generic of a drug not yet sold as the generic form. Any suggestions?
A) Have them ask their doctor.

B) Have them ask the doctor if they would write a prescription that says generic substitution is ok, like they might do for a US fill.

C) Ask Maple Leaf if they receive the valid name brand prescription, could they substitute the generic as a fill for the prescription.

Those are things I think of that I might try if I was in that situation.
Question about a specific situation:
Maple Leaf Meds has the best deal, when ordering, for Eliquis' generic: Apixaban. Lower cost than the name brand, which is also dispensed in non USA type quantities. 168 instead of 180 for example.
Not sure if the USA doctor would write a script for a generic of a drug not yet sold as the generic form. Any suggestions?
I don't know the reasons, but prescription fills out of the United Kingdom (and maybe Turkey - can't remember for sure on that one) are filled based on time periods of 28 days.
Question about a specific situation:
Maple Leaf Meds has the best deal, when ordering, for Eliquis' generic: Apixaban. Lower cost than the name brand, which is also dispensed in non USA type quantities. 168 instead of 180 for example.
Not sure if the USA doctor would write a script for a generic of a drug not yet sold as the generic form. Any suggestions?
It only matters if the Rx is written "DAW" (dispense as written) Most Dr's do not use this unless there is some medical reason for the brand version to be used (allergic reaction, does not work in combination with other drug etc) They don't normally write DAW because a generic is not available.
It only matters if the Rx is written "DAW" (dispense as written) Most Dr's do not use this unless there is some medical reason for the brand version to be used (allergic reaction, does not work in combination with other drug etc) They don't normally write DAW because a generic is not available.
Thanks, good to know.