
Apparently it has a little better UI and it’s supposed to be at least a little more secure. I havent used it.
I, like rmhaire, use MedicarePro and love their new Client Portal. The biggest thing for me that I like, compared to RetireFlo, is that existing members just need to update their information that I have on file, rather than start from scratch every time. That way if I already have a list of their meds, they only need to update anything that changed from the last time we met. With RetireFlo next year they'll have to re-enter everything again as if they didn't fill it out last year. Plus then everything exists in my CRM rather than in being yet another system.
I get it so does mine, Just saying this is not wanting to do too much phone time

In other words last year, I would spend a call getting all the updated info and scope and that might be a 45 min to hour call because the client wants to talk my ear off

and then to do the plan is a 2nd 45 min call

this way they just get the link fill it all out and I only do one call with them
Make sure they know every household gets 30 minutes. It works.