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We send it out to all our clients every year (probably close to 10k at this point) and probably 20-30% of them fill it out. If a client calls asking if they should change, our first question is did you fill out the review form? If not that get sent before they get to talk to a broker. Intakeq is way cheaper than any other collection method so I would check that out in comparison to jotform, etc. It's also hippa compliant.
We just made it ourselves and have tweaked it over the years. We have a few others - ACA, blank ones to send bank info or mbi info. We still get calls saying I can't open, don't have email but after a few years of keeping it the same clients have learned how to interact. We also use the same software and form for a new client meeting soost clients have messed w it before.
I will say it is a pain but we justify it as a marketing expense....we get tons of referrals and intros to financial advisors by staying in contact w our clients.
Wow close to 10k clients... You must be doing something right. Thanks for the info.
I think the form is great, there is just a lot of questions so I wondered how many people actually get through it. At the scale I'm at right now I prob could ask a lot less questions though since it is easier for me to locate their current policy.
Every AEP I try to get a little bit more organized so I am always looking for suggestions.