Safeco's Quotas

If you are in CA it's very difficult to write Safeco. Unless you write everything in the city with no brush in site. Travelers and Stillwater are GREAT carriers if you need to move any clients around.
It's good advice for anyone, but know your carrier's appetite well. I have a hard time selling Safeco to most of my clientele, but there is a definite sweet spot where Safeco's pricing is unbeatable.

In MA it's multi-line, multi-driver, clean-in-three record. They punish comp losses pretty heavily, so picture your reasonably affluent client who parks in their garage. They're a good place for families with young drivers due to how they price multiple drivers.

Find the customer they want to you to write and if you're serious about doing business with them, line up your marketing to attract those clients.
Anyone know of a sub-producer arrangement available that would allow us to write Safeco? We are not interested in the wholesaler approach (Insurance Noodle, AgentSecure, etc.) as it is too clumsy with the middle man. Would be looking for the ability to log directly into Safeco and write in multiple states.