Said They Were Married and They Are Not, Suggestions?

Client on-x last year, went on as "married" they are well known so they divorced for financial gain several years ago and kept the name. So, on-x, when she brought in income docs she had two, filing single, WTF, says me, she leans in and whispers, "we're not married".

Any way to help her fix this mess for 2015 or does she just loose 100% of the tax credit or is it reset to what it would have been if she went in honestly.

She can call the Marketplace and plead their case. They might grant a pardon under one of the common law lifetime partner laws, depending on the state where they're shacked up.
I'm sorry your honor, it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is....

When I said we were married, I meant "married", not "MARRIED".
I would get a jump on them and report them to the fraud waste and abuse hot-line before they throw you under the bus to save their hide.

You cant just wash your hands...your npn (unless it was stripped) is on the app.
Actually, her SO/husband is a Medicare client, she and her office were or are my real estate agents, and we have drinks when we run into each other. There is more than a typical agent/client interaction. I was not asking as a matter of CYA, but in line with the best guidance to give her.

I've reworked her 2016 to reflect reality and concerning 2015 told her all we can do now is stay the course and file taxes separately and face what ever the consequences are.