Sale: Pay for 9 Get 12:

Yeah.....ok try that....don't pay BC for the last 3 months see what happens when you want coverage for

Oh....lets say you're a real smarty pants and your gonna hop-scotch carriers....ok the next plan is $100 more per month that's $1200 a year more to play your game....naw ain't happening man...another Boogeyman Down.

Either they are going to pay or they are going to be deadbeats....same as it ever was.....except now they get a tax penalty for being a deadbeat.

BC can't do anything. They have to let you enroll on 01/01/15. I think that is the point of this article. This law requires them to let you enroll.
Do you know who Sarah Palin is? Just flip through the channels until you see her mug.

Is she into adult film now? I saw a PPV listing for a movie called "Nailin Palin". Maybe she needs to pay off some old campaign debts. Whatever floats her canoe!
These 2.1 million folks must have enrolled on the phone, or at the desk of some navigator or assister who didn't take time with them. Those who enrolled themselves at, or with an agent sitting with them, understand that their premium is subsidized by the Federal Government.

25% of the people on the Exchange don't realize that their premiums are being paid for by the government. That's just depressing.
25% of the people on the Exchange don't realize that their premiums are being paid for by the government. That's just depressing.

I've never done an enrollment without the applicant being with me and participating in every aspect from start to finish. But for the agents who use other methods, is it easier to simply not mention the subsidy and just say, "Mr. Peabody, your premium for the plan I recommend is only $4.10 a month! Want it?".

My guess is that the 25% who are not aware of their subsidy must have had assistance from someone (assistor/navigator/agent) who just wanted to get the enrollment over with as quickly as humanly possible.

Insurers will be swamped with calls from this group of clients after they receive the Premium/Subsidy Itemization (Form 1095-A) from their insurer this Fall!

Do you know who Sarah Palin is? Just flip through the channels until you see her mug.

Oh...OK.... I think I get it......are you talking about the same network that keeps discussing the IRS destroying emails and hardrives? The same network that keeps showing these people breaking the law sneaking across the border..... and... the same network that shows the death OF MY WIFES cousins, friends and family in Mosul Iraq by ISIS because she is an Assyrian Christian when NO OTHER FING NETWORK WILL... is that the network Kevin?
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