
Sales Genie will let you view records so you can make calls. You can download a certain amount of records for free, but must click on every record and in their TOS agreement they state records are only for viewing and not for download. They reserve the right to slow download times if you attempt to download too many records.

If your goal is to download records it's 10 cents per record on top of the monthly fee.
I understand how it works. My real question is has anyone used it as a part of their marketing plan.
Thank You....

Do you import what you want or do you just run through the list without paying for the importing?
I have never used it from have two good friend who signed up. Both are pissed - both told me to stay far away. I'm paying 4 cents a record for fantastic data. I believe sales genie is $150 per month? At 4 cents a pop that's 3,750 records and no way do I go through that much data in a month.