Script Help Needed for FE



I;m new to FE.. I was wondering if anyone can list the final expenses so I can tell the client.. the ones I know are, burial and all that entails.. legal fees, taxes, medical bills unpaid. utility bills. etc., . what else is there? thanks
I;m new to FE.. I was wondering if anyone can list the final expenses so I can tell the client.. the ones I know are, burial and all that entails.. legal fees, taxes, medical bills unpaid. utility bills. etc., . what else is there? thanks

There are 5 reasons people don't buy;

No trust

No need

No money

No urgency

No desire

Your presentation has to address all of these. The most important is No trust. It is the most difficult to overcome. If there is not trust there, the others don't matter.

You must overcome all 5 to have a client. You cannot overcome 'no money'. Sometimes that is a smokescreen and you can work around that. If they truly have no money, it's over.

I met with a guy yesterday that really had a need and a want and a desire and he trusted me. He could not pay for a minimum policy. He was apologizing to me for not being able to buy. He even gave me his checkbook and told me that "if you can find the money in there, I'll buy".

I left there without an app., but, I know I did the best I could there and didn't leave anything on the table. The next guy was telling me he didn't have any money either, but, it was a matter of trust. Once I got him to trust, he took out a policy on himself and his wife. The money was there once we took care of the smokescreen.

The FE market is just different. The people that send in reply cards did not get to be 65 to 80 years old and not have their final expenses taken care of because they have been good planners. They are notorious procrastinators and they have most likely run off two or three agents prior to you getting there.

You do not "close" these people. You fill a need and a desire by being the person that they trust to get it done now.
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I;m new to FE.. I was wondering if anyone can list the final expenses so I can tell the client.. the ones I know are, burial and all that entails.. legal fees, taxes, medical bills unpaid. utility bills. etc., . what else is there? thanks

Whomever gave you a contract (earns overrides on your success) should be helping you with a presentation that will make you money. Starting from scratch is a hard way to go in building your successful business. I would push back on your hierarchy and ask for what has been proven as successful with their top agents.
Whomever gave you a contract (earns overrides on your success) should be helping you with a presentation that will make you money. Starting from scratch is a hard way to go in building your successful business. I would push back on your hierarchy and ask for what has been proven as successful with their top agents.

Very good advice.
There are 5 reasons people don't buy;

No trust

No need

No money

No urgency

No desire

Your presentation has to address all of these. The most important is No trust. It is the most difficult to overcome. If there is not trust there, the others don't matter.

You must overcome all 5 to have a client. You cannot overcome 'no money'. Sometimes that is a smokescreen and you can work around that. If they truly have no money, it's over.

I met with a guy yesterday that really had a need and a want and a desire and he trusted me. He could not pay for a minimum policy. He was apologizing to me for not being able to buy. He even gave me his checkbook and told me that "if you can find the money in there, I'll buy".

I left there without an app., but, I know I did the best I could there and didn't leave anything on the table. The next guy was telling me he didn't have any money either, but, it was a matter of trust. Once I got him to trust, he took out a policy on himself and his wife. The money was there once we took care of the smokescreen.

The FE market is just different. The people that send in reply cards did not get to be 65 to 80 years old and not have their final expenses taken care of because they have been good planners. They are notorious procrastinators and they have most likely run off two or three agents prior to you getting there.

You do not "close" these people. You fill a need and a desire by being the person that they trust to get it done now.
This is a most excellent post, JD. I think it was on the "Selling without wrestling" site that I saw something like this, the way this guy put it is that sales, in this case, FE sales, is all about timing and chemistry. And all the direct mailers, tv commercial leads, cold calls, referrals, and anything else are all just ways to find a prospect that you can find timing and chemistry with.

Thanks for that post, JD.
or, open any sales kit, any marketing material, from any company and you'll find more then enough information listed on Expenses that need to be covered by their policy.
It's different for everyone.

I had a lady this week brushing off the need because her funeral was prepaid and I said "Lady, do you realize your kids are going to need to rip every carpet out of this house and defumigate the whole thing from where your fat little 3-legged rodent you call a dog has missed the toilet bowl by about 3-rooms?"

Mix that aroma with a nice July afternoon and her thermostat set on deep fry and you have the makings of a lovely appointment.

She bought $10,000.

I MAY not have used that exact verbage but you get the idea.
It's different for everyone.

I had a lady this week brushing off the need because her funeral was prepaid and I said "Lady, do you realize your kids are going to need to rip every carpet out of this house and defumigate the whole thing from where your fat little 3-legged rodent you call a dog has missed the toilet bowl by about 3-rooms?"

Mix that aroma with a nice July afternoon and her thermostat set on deep fry and you have the makings of a lovely appointment.

She bought $10,000.

I MAY not have used that exact verbage but you get the idea.

I've been on an appointment like that. As soon as I left I started a bonfire with my clothes and became an underwear agent in her front yard. :D