Sebelius: Private Health Insurance is in a "DEATH SPIRAL"


5000 Post Club
Kathleen Sebelius testified before a House committee this week. It's not surprising that she's predicting (and hoping for) the end of private health insurance in this country, but it's somewhat startling for her to say so in such a candid manner in open hearings.

Obama Cabinet Secretary: 'The Private Market is in a Death Spiral' |

Sebelius: Private Health Insurance Industry in Death Spiral - The Rush Limbaugh Show

I hope the Supreme Court brings her and Obama's arrogant, systematic takeover of private insurance to an abrupt halt this Summer.

it is getting wacky out there.........

It looks like Private Health Insurance companies aren't spiraling south fast enough for Sebelius.

Check out the expanded list of preventative and contraceptive services that HHS has further burdened health insurers with:

Isn't it amazing that Health Insurers will have to cover counseling of battered spouses now?! What does that have to do with health care?

Also, I had no idea that there were so many ways of preventing pregnancy. But it looks like HHS is engaging in a "War on Men" because vasectomies and condoms are not covered.