Secure Horizons/ Pacificare Commissions and Changed Benefits

General street for most MA carriers is $330.
WellCare comes in lower at $250 since they concluded their first and goal bonus period.
Pyramid has NOT reduced commission on all counties listed in the tier 1 premium schedule offering a part B reduction. However, I always discourage agents from encouraging this option since where the reduction is available the Premier MA comes with no premium and very attractive benefits to the customer.
I would beware of those offering $500 street plans and full part B reduction. This is indeed too good to be true.

United HealthCare's revised commission schedule is actually effective through 4/31/07, not 4/1. This is part of a major launch the company has engaged in that is restructuring the already generous support offered to agents. Their distribution support is unparalelled.
I have not heard of anyone paying $500.

I know that Coventry pays brokers $330 and Humana pays brokers $275 (or something along those lines).

The Kansas City Coventry office is paying a bunus for reaching 200 apps. If you do reach 200 by the end of 2007 (all must be effective by Dec 2007), they will give you a bonus of $125 per app retro back to the first one.

That is the highest comm that I have heard of.
Well there are some co's paying $500. Mary had mentioned a broker who will put you on that contract if you sign up with all 4 carriers they are promoting.

I just found out that Universal is running a special bonus.. 10 apps boing another 500 thru april sounds like the push is on for the March deadline. Betcha they're all doing them up because they don't call you.

I am getting $400 for Coventry. You should consider changing uplines. $330 is not the norm for MA's either. The only one I get $330 for is pyramid and I think I am gonna get bumped up to $350 begining Jan 1.
My fiance and I are ICAs with Secure Horizons and were getting paid $450/each. Now we are getting $400. For 2008 I can't remember exact time frames and numbers, but if we sell so many in 3 months, we will be able to keep the $400 instead of dropping pay rate.

It takes about 3 weeks for your first check, but then come regularly after that if you are selling regularly. Things are changing with the iEnroll! Today my account was deposited for some I sold last week. I think they are having to work out the kinks with the new system, but it does look like their claim to "speeding up commissions" is true!!!!