Selling P & C Over Email

^agreed. However this guy was a mortgage referral who was single buying a 250k house w/ a nice car & good credit so I figured whatever. And...we had a fairly extended bought of phone tag. It's not a recurring thing for me.
I did 70 percent of mind through email

Yep- as usual, I'm w/ Cgreen. This is more & more popular w/ the mortgage referral model. Add esign in the mix and it is crazy how many people I never talk to. The down side is cross-selling and a lower rate of customer referrals.
Agents used to say the same thing about no wanting to sell over the phone... As correctly stated above selling via email is a fact of life now and unfortunately it's harder to multi-line and get referrals.
Agents used to say the same thing about no wanting to sell over the phone... As correctly stated above selling via email is a fact of life now and unfortunately tvit's harder to multi-line and get referrals.

Cgreen and I have been talking about the challenges of cross-selling in the e-mail/e-sign world. Has anyone found an effective method for cross-selling in this digital world?
I talk to everybody on the phone initially when they call. I then say the rates are contingent upon doing the bundle. I remind them we take care of cancelling their previous insurance & they get back any pro rated refund as well. Most often, my auto is saving them a lot because I have such good carriers. 60% don't question it. 25% say they don't wanna switch auto so I just say they can't get the home rate then & they cave. 15% call me out and demand just the home and then I "get an exception" to write just the home. But most you can bully into the auto assuming you're providing better rates and coverage.

Ya can't make money on monoline home
Send an introduction email and everything is done letting them know about our referral program. I didn't follow up on the auto and life insurance 30 days later. They say not as many referrals but I get a ton from them by phone when I'm never even talked to them. Also when you work with teachers like I do they prefer the email method.


I am looking at using ITC Agency Buzz to help with our model. We do about 60 applications through email a month.
I am looking at using ITC Agency Buzz to help with our model. We do about 60 applications through email a month.

Ive also been looking into agency buzz. A lot of our initial contact is by phone but the process is finished by email and e-signature.
Has to be a better way to set up the cross ssell. instead of reaching out to the customer myself or about my service rep they just seem so time-consuming when you are talking about overs million dollar book of business monoline
^ So I have mastered this & here is my exact script. I pull up one of my carriers direct portals because as they talk, I enter the person's info so i can use the pre-fill to find their cars....So the Referral calls for home insurance..

ME---"...sure I can definitely help with home insurance. So I represent a bunch of different insurance company's & really the 1st step is getting a bunch of quick information from you so I can comb through all my carriers & get the most accurate rate. Every company is different based off the age of the home, location of the home etc."

PROSPECT "sure ya, OK sounds good."

ME (and the order is VERY important) -- "OK so what's your current address?"

PROSPECT "blah blah whatever their address is"

ME "OK and what's the new address?"

PROSPECT "blah blah whatever new address is"

ME "OK great & what's your bday & driver's license number" 90% of people just give it to you. Then I ask for their spouses name/bday/driver's license number. Most people won't have their spouses, but it doesn't hurt to ask. Some may sound like their gears are turning, wondering why you're asking for a driver's license. But most won't question & they just give it to you.

Then, I ask all the UW information about the home. I pull up pictures & always compliment the home & build rapport. I chit chat for a few minutes while I'm field underwriting the online listing photos.

Then after that call has now gone on for like 8 minutes I finally deliver this " one thing I like to mention to people, if you're looking to get access to the most insurance companies & really leverage all the available discounts that are available, I like to ask people at the VERY LEAST to be OPEN to looking at the pricing if we do the car & house insurance together. We certainly quote it both ways........BUT WHAT KIND OF CARS DO YOU HAVE?"

The following 1-2 seconds is important. Those who are instantly like "oh ya OK sure" are very easy to close. Some will be quiet for those 1-2 seconds before giving you the info & those are a bit more work. Others will be like "Oh I already have car insurance..." so NOMATTER WHAT THEIR OBJECTION IS...(trust me..) always respond with "oh what kinda cars do you have?" and 80% will just blurt it out. If they deny a 2nd time, eff em.

Then, since I've prefilled starting a new quote from scratch, I can already see the household vehicles (usually.) Most everybody will just start telling you their cars & you can usually have access to the VINs right away. Then I ask who they're with & what they're paying etc.

Then it's nothing but a package quote at this point. The way you say it & how you deliver your inflection is huge here but I do this literally 3x per day and half the time I'm writing an email, on these forums OR texting a friend some random insult & not even consciously thinking about it.

You NEED to get a workflow to capture the auto up front. Then, the price will usually sell.