Seminar Interlopers


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I am doing a couple of retirement workshops along with a buddy of mine that is an RIA. One of the guy's number came up as an advisor firm when he called to book a seat.

I don't know what his intentions are, but I would prefer not to have a competitor show up to piss in my Cherios.

I have thought about sending him a message on Linkedin and welcoming him, just to let him know that I am on to him. I might be overeacting, what do you guys think?
Never allow another financial professional into your seminars.

Most invitations I have seen in the mail say as much...pretty standard in the seminar biz. I've learned to google them as well to pick up all financial professionals, not just RIA or FINRA guys.

I overheard a guy and his wife at one of ours telling the other guy at the table how terrible annuities are and that there are better products available.

I googled him right there on my smartphone and saw that he and his wife were CPA's. Continued looking at his info after salads were served and the presentation started. He was just some jerk barely getting by and figured he might grab a new client if he showed up to a seminar.
Never allow another financial professional into your seminars.

Most invitations I have seen in the mail say as much...pretty standard in the seminar biz. I've learned to google them as well to pick up all financial professionals, not just RIA or FINRA guys.

I overheard a guy and his wife at one of ours telling the other guy at the table how terrible annuities are and that there are better products available.

I googled him right there on my smartphone and saw that he and his wife were CPA's. Continued looking at his info after salads were served and the presentation started. He was just some jerk barely getting by and figured he might grab a new client if he showed up to a seminar.

You have to be a real worthless scumbag to do do stuff like that.
JFBAgent said:
Never allow another financial professional into your seminars.

Most invitations I have seen in the mail say as much...pretty standard in the seminar biz. I've learned to google them as well to pick up all financial professionals, not just RIA or FINRA guys.

I overheard a guy and his wife at one of ours telling the other guy at the table how terrible annuities are and that there are better products available.

I googled him right there on my smartphone and saw that he and his wife were CPA's. Continued looking at his info after salads were served and the presentation started. He was just some jerk barely getting by and figured he might grab a new client if he showed up to a seminar.

Did you send him a bill for the meal?
Well the only thing you can do if its open to the public is take anything he might use against you and incorporate it into the presentation (what you should already be doing). Take the wind out of his sails, take the thunder away from anyone seeking to tarnish your credibility.
No meals at the next few, just educational events at the library. Definitely a downside to having an "open to the public" event.
I went to one at my local library in April, to gather some...intelligence?

The three ladies behind me were complaining that the snacks were chintzy compared with the other "events" that they had attended recently.

The lady next to me was telling me how she expected to learn how she can get the government to pay for her "long term care" - because it was at a public library.

The speaker (a peckerwood if ever there was one), spent the first twenty minutes or so explaining why he had changed broker-dealers. A lot of eyes (mine included) glazed over...
Well the only thing you can do if its open to the public is take anything he might use against you and incorporate it into the presentation (what you should already be doing). Take the wind out of his sails, take the thunder away from anyone seeking to tarnish your credibility.

I suppose if I can deal with the ball busters from the insurance-forums then no man can faze me.
Well the only thing you can do if its open to the public is take anything he might use against you and incorporate it into the presentation (what you should already be doing). Take the wind out of his sails, take the thunder away from anyone seeking to tarnish your credibility.

You mean dealing with the objections before they occur!