Could you blame them, though? Who wouldn't want more business? Plus, Obamacare was sold as the next coming of Christ, based upon all the lies from the Democrat-controlled government at that time.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." LIE. "Everyone will have low cost insurance." LIE. And then you have drunk Nancy with the classic Idiocracy line that summed up all of Obamacare....."We have to pass the bill to see what's in it."
Now you've got people clamoring for more "help" from the people that destroyed insurance. Classic "problem, reaction, solution." Create the problem, generate outrage/opposition, and finally present your "solution." A classic scam.
I think the whole "well the insurance companies supported Obamacare" is disingenuous. When it comes to politics "you're either at the table or you're on it". Democrats had the presidency and filibuster proof majorities in both chambers of congress. Something was going to be passed. Opposition was futile.
That would be like an auto manufacturer not transitioning to EV's right now. They'd be driven out of business eventually because the regulatory system is against their business model.