Senior Financial Solutions ?


New Member
Can anyone provide any info on Senior Financial Solutions company? Does anyone here work as an agent for them?

Any feedback - good, bad, or ugly would be appreciated.


Al F.
Do you mean Senior Solutions? If so I am an agent for that company , but not Senior"Financial" Solutions.
Why would you want to associate with them? They seem to have an OK website, but they are just a small FMO Medicare Advantage mill. What do they offer you can't get from one of the bigger and better known groups like Ritter or ?
One of their Sales Managers lives down the road and he's talked to me. Also, I'm new to MA. $140/$100 seems kind of low. I know he gets overrides and I would get free leads, but...

I've notice Ritter has good info; think I'll check them out.

SFS is owned by the one and only Anthony Rose. They have a high turnover rate and run their shop a lot like Parker. There might even be an contractual association there, but I'm not sure. The short version is that when I talk to agents AND carriers I advise them both to avoid doing business with SFS for different reasons. If you'd like more specifics and details just click on the link to my site and send me a message from there and I'll get in touch with you.
If you have experience in the business I would suggest going with Senior Market Sales or Integrated Benefits. If you're looking to get trained you'll probably want to talk to one of them and ask if they have any GA's or MGA's they'd suggest. If none of that works let me know and I have a few other FMO's that can probably help you.

Good luck!
I already did. But again.

Premier out of Omaha treats me well. Home

also Senior Marketing Specialists. pays full commission, ect... This is not to be confused with Senior Market Sales which was recommened by someone else, who I know nothing about.

Ritter comes highly recommended on this site, I do not know the address.

I am not Mr. Gay, but I think highly of my recommendations. ;)