Digital Renewal Solutions For AEP

It takes me about 25 to hrs to get my letters out . I’m very particular on putting thank you stickers on the envelope and 3 business cards in each asking for referrals . I start doing weeks ahead of my mailings . But next yr I’ll farm it all out to a client’s wife who doesn’t work . Right now I’m analyzing my whole book for Medicaid levels and especially plans that will be non renewed . This time of year I’m mostly only working referrals and taking calls . I’m spendi

what % of your book is dual/lis ?
On duals I have less than 10%
On duals I have less than 10%
Ok then I don’t see how you’re not able to use much more technology. I have around 40% of my book low income . Those I do like you with return stamped envelope . For soa . I’m very 1970’s with the low income . I have a lady that hand writes a lot of mg stuff now . Next year I’ll have her do it all . I have tremendous retention and loyalty with low income because of my hands on . But I’ll be farming some out .