Senior Web Site


Hello, looking to build a senior web-site to attract senior customers on a variety of products. Any thoughts?
I find that most seniors don't surf the web. If they do have a computer, a big if, they usually just have email.
How do you plan do drive traffic to your website?
Good question. Been thinking about starting my first site also. Since AARP has put me on their mailing list. I assume I am a senior now. (That kinda goes cross grain with me)

I would also like some ideas. Mostly geared toward my senior clients. Adding buying opportunities is a plus of course. We work almost exclusively by referral or through our own book. But would not be opposed to driving traffic to my site.

Most of my business owner clients are my age or older. The ones with money anyway. So I guess they are seniors also. So don't know if I fully agree that seniors do not use the web. Maybe depends on which end of the babyboomers we are talking about.

I would appreciate any help also.
I find that most seniors don't surf the web. If they do have a computer, a big if, they usually just have email.
How do you plan do drive traffic to your website?
Seniors are actually the fastest growing group of "web surfers". Our phones ring weekly from seniors that find our websites through organic search all over the country.....that's all.
Seniors do search the web and so do thier adult children. And there are many opportunies to generate business online in the senior market especially with final expense and medicare.

I'm building and optimizing several of these sites for my clients right now and they are profitable when done correctly.
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Yes, I'm finding that seniors and their adult children are surfing, too. An 88 year old found a product I offer. I was thinking of getting a site from godaddy, or one of those build your own and then get it optimized. Any thoughts?
Yes, I'm finding that seniors and their adult children are surfing, too. An 88 year old found a product I offer. I was thinking of getting a site from godaddy, or one of those build your own and then get it optimized. Any thoughts?

Get a professional to do it. You are a professional insurance agent, shouldn't your website be professional as well and not appear as though you "did it yourself"?

I have talked to tons of website people and I have found one that didn't try to "rip me off", would talk to me over the phone and actually listened to what I had to say and wanted. She busted her butt to understand exactly what I needed, I know nothing about websites, and did an excellent job at a very reasonable price.

If you want a real pro to do it without all the BS of trying to sell you things you don't need call Amanda Chappell (404) 386-3691.

Tell her Frank sent you, I don't think she will hang up on you. :D
Hmm... I know someone who does this stuff...

As a matter of fact, a few people on this forum know who I'm referring to.
