Yes, I'm finding that seniors and their adult children are surfing, too. An 88 year old found a product I offer. I was thinking of getting a site from godaddy, or one of those build your own and then get it optimized. Any thoughts?
Web hosting sites that offer Templates for do-it-yourselfers abound. The problem is two fold: 1) You don't own the template. If you leave that hosting site, you lose all the work you put into optimizing that template site. 2) Whether you leave that host or not, if you become dissatisfied with your template, you usually can't transfer that site to another CMS like Joomla, etc. Most of these do-it-yourself web site builders use an Ajax based CMS (e.g. Zen sitebuilder), which is drop dead simple to use. Anyone who is familiar with Word and can drag and drop can build their own site. However, it is not transferable if you want to customize it beyond the template. If you learn Joomla, you can buy a template that you own but you will invest a lot of time learning Joomla (or any CMS for that matter). Your time is more valuable than to spend on such a project unless you are planning on building and selling websites.
I recommend following Frank's advice... get someone to build a professional one for you. Just make sure you own it when it's done.
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