Hey Frank, how many (if any) leads are these sites generating? If you don't mind me asking.
Wow, I had to share this.
There are a lot of threads talking about SEO and guys wanting to do it themselves. There are a lot of things that I like doing myself, get your mind out of the gutter, but computer related stuff is not one of them.
I asked Dave Miller to do his "thing", SEO, on my Med Supp sight. He is still playing with it but this is where it is now about four weeks after I asked him to work on it.
I just did a search on four terms to see where Google ranked me.
Missouri Medicare Supplement #1,
Missouri Medigap #3,
Missouri Medicare Plans #3,
Missouri Medicare #5.
Don't tell Dave I said so but the work he did and the results are worth twice what I paid him.