SEP for "renewing" IFP Plans

So, you can read the ruling with your own eyes in post #1.

I just called the marketplace, who checked with a supervisor, who stated a renewal is NOT an SEP. But, "you should fill out an application anyways" for the 5 person family and see what the wizard behind the curtain says.

Sure, I'll get right on that.

Assurant off exchange considers it an SEP also.


Per the document........."renewal" = "loss of coverage"

These individuals should indicate "loss of other coverage" on their Marketplace application, if they would like to apply for and enroll in a QHP offered by the Marketplace plan, if otherwise eligible.
Just for a little clarification and I apologize if I'm a little dense. A mid-year renewal for IFP off-exchange plan may qualify for a SEP for some carriers but not others?

For example, BC/BS August 1 renewal with a rate increase. Can the family jump ship and get on with another carrier?