SEP with New Job


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Husband, wife and kids are on COBRA

Wife is getting a job and will be going on the company plan 7/1.

Does this create an SEP for the husband and kids to go off-exchange? (Its significantly less expensive than the group benefits or staying on COBRA)
Husband, wife and kids are on COBRA

Wife is getting a job and will be going on the company plan 7/1.

Does this create an SEP for the husband and kids to go off-exchange? (Its significantly less expensive than the group benefits or staying on COBRA)

Something else to question...does the cost of COBRA exceed 9.5% of the house hold income?

Also, who had the job with the coverage?
Something else to question...does the cost of COBRA exceed 9.5% of the house hold income?

Also, who had the job with the coverage?

I assumed no, since her LTD app had $200K and we had to discuss the $10K max benefit. Good question, though. :)

COBRA is under husband's former employer
I'm not that stressed about writing it. I can get it now or 11/1 when it expires.

She asked, and my main carrier are giving conflicting answers, so I thought I would throw it out there and see if anyone had any insight. However, I appreciate the advice!
Special enrollment periods.

Click the link for the full text of the law regarding and defining SEP's.

Moral of the story, no. Strictly speaking, availability of employer sponsored insurance is not an SEP (but, of course, they may enroll in employer coverage at any time and drop individual, so long as employer rules permit).

If the primary was to drop coverage and obtain an individual employer sponsored plan, the spouse/dependents would have a qualifying event under reason (1) "The qualified individual or his or her dependent loses minimum essential coverage:"

If the wife was a dependent, no SEP. If she was primary, there is an SEP ONLY IF she cancels the current plan and does not enroll the dependents/spouse into the employer plan.