Series 6 Tests


Can you take your series 6 test like Life and health and P&C or do u have to be sponsered by a company?
Yea I can search or I can use the same amount of key strokes and ask here. I have no idea why the season for joy and giving seems to bring out the rudeness in people. I see u post alot here but not sure that gives u the right to be rude. U could have just not wasted ur time or mine and not answer at all
Can you take your series 6 test like Life and health and P&C or do u have to be sponsered by a company?

Just as an aside, although you have to be sponsored, if you are definitely planning on going that route there is no barrier to ordering study material and working on it even before becoming sponsored. That way, when you are sponsored, assuming that piece goes okay, you will be good to go and wont be studying and trying to prospect at the same time. You have to be sponsored to take the test but not to order exam prep material. Also, having already started to prepare for the exam is a feather in your cap when talking to B/D's about affiliating with them. Methinks.

I totally agree with Mr. Winter. Even though we have a Broker-Dealer, I started studying for the Series 6 a couple months ago, before I tell them I am going to take the exam.

If you do this, you can study on your time without pressure of taking it within 30 to 60 days of making them aware.

You have 2 years, so order the studying materials from a reputable company such as Kaplan and study as long as necessary. I recommend the booklet plus the CD which includes realistic exam questions.