Short Term Health Insurance with HIIQUOTE

T...this is what you quoted. And said "other people will see".

So if you weren't referring to this, what exactly are you concerned about people finding later?

Again, let me repeat

I was pointing out the statement of what is being said as being (usually completely untrue). So when is it true? I mean really?

This is publicly now archived on the boards...

Your disagreement is not with me and I'd kindly ask that you redirect it towards those who don't share a like mind.
I have called her out repeatedly because she works for an outfit that I know from personal experience is a rotten and dishonest sales marketing organization. I strongly suspect she is one of their recruiters, and she has made numerous claims throughout this forum that I know 100% for certain are false.

That's what this forum exists for, to counter the lying claims of recruiters. We have these same discussions in the final expense forum all the time, because FE is full of dishonest recruiters too. If some people feel they're being "harassed" when they choose to come on this forum and promote marketer BS, then they shouldn't come on a public forum and promote that stuff.


I think salesgirl is..well..a little uneducated? Naive? Immature? All three of those? But trying tl learn and get better. Nothing wrong with that at all.

She asked a reasonable questionand he jumped all over her, with no reason (except past history?).

Papercutter never seems to show up unless Salesgirl has posted. And then he DOES go after every post. Kind of like an ex waiting in the wings to talk to your new significant other to sabotage the next relationship. Hmmm......

Junkman went after her logic, but it wasn't personal.

And any woman, at anytime should be allowed to stand up for herself and say "stop harassing me" without fear of retribution or comments that say "you aren't wise" to stand up for yourself.

T...if we hadn't talked on several occasions, so I personally know you, this would have been a much more heated response. Needless to say, I'm a little disappointed. If someone had told MY daughter to fear retribution after standing up to harassment, there would be h**l to pay. And you would react the same way if they said it to your daughter.
I have called her out repeatedly because she works for an outfit that I know from personal experience is a rotten and dishonest sales marketing organization. I strongly suspect she is one of their recruiters, and she has made numerous claims throughout this forum that I know 100% for certain are false.

That's what this forum exists for, to counter the lying claims of recruiters. We have these same discussions in the final expense forum all the time, because FE is full of dishonest recruiters too. If some people feel they're being "harassed" when they choose to come on this forum and promote marketer BS, then they shouldn't come on a public forum and promote that stuff.

1. She asked a simple question about STM. If she is a recruiter and wants to know what agents are looking for, that's fine.
2. The forum is also for information. Not just to counter lying claims of recruiters.

If you call a woman "toots" and tell a woman to stop "pimping", then you are WAY OUT OF LINE. It IS harrasment. I don't care what she does for her recruting company or how uneducated she is in insurance, you don't compare a woman to a pimp who makes money exploiting women and children.

And BTW, if you have these discussions "all the time" in the FE forum, why do you only have 77 posts??? Hmmm.....