Should I jump in now or wait?


New Member
Hello All, I am brand new to insurance and currently work for a MLM captive company. I started doing my research and realize I need to find a FE IMO and go Indy.

However, I read somewhere that November and December are slow months. I know it takes about 3 weeks for a DM campaign to come back with responses and that will put me in November. Plus I don't know how long it takes to sign up with an IMO and get signed up with carriers.

So should I wait till after December or should I go ahead and take the plunge now? I was also thinking to maybe get my health license now before I sign with an IMO. Not to use it now but to get it out of the way now for use some time in the future after I'm more experienced with FE.

Any advice is very much appreciated.
It's slow if you don't work as much or it snows wherever you are.

How captive are you? Who pays your commissions ? Are you currently making money? Do you have savings to survive without income and paying for leads? What are you averaging in premium a week?
I'm in the NJ so it does snow here. I've only worked 2 weeks so far in the field on my own. Once I got the job and before I was released in the field, is when I started researching and finding out I needed to run from this place. I've only sold 2 policies so was not making money. I did training in the field with my upline for 2 1/2 weeks and he sold 2 policies so that told me there may be something wrong from the hype of what they were saying in the meetings that you will make. I was pretty turned off during training when my upline did some pretty unethical stuff just to get the sale. That's why I feel I need to run now. I have money saved up to buy maybe a month worth of leads. I am a stay at home mom looking to get back into the work field. My income won't be needed for us to survive since my husbands income covers our expenses.
I'm in the NJ so it does snow here. I've only worked 2 weeks so far in the field on my own. Once I got the job and before I was released in the field, is when I started researching and finding out I needed to run from this place. I've only sold 2 policies so was not making money. I did training in the field with my upline for 2 1/2 weeks and he sold 2 policies so that told me there may be something wrong from the hype of what they were saying in the meetings that you will make. I was pretty turned off during training when my upline did some pretty unethical stuff just to get the sale. That's why I feel I need to run now. I have money saved up to buy maybe a month worth of leads. I am a stay at home mom looking to get back into the work field. My income won't be needed for us to survive since my husbands income covers our expenses.
Get out now. The longer you wait, the harder it will be. Sounds like you need to give Todd a call.:yes:
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Hello All, I am brand new to insurance and currently work for a MLM captive company. I started doing my research and realize I need to find a FE IMO and go Indy.

However, I read somewhere that November and December are slow months. I know it takes about 3 weeks for a DM campaign to come back with responses and that will put me in November. Plus I don't know how long it takes to sign up with an IMO and get signed up with carriers.

So should I wait till after December or should I go ahead and take the plunge now? I was also thinking to maybe get my health license now before I sign with an IMO. Not to use it now but to get it out of the way now for use some time in the future after I'm more experienced with FE.

Any advice is very much appreciated.

The holidays are busy times for everyone. January is bad too because of first of year stuff. February everyone is focused on snow melting and valentines day. March = too cold. April = too rainy. May and June people are too worried about their taxes. July and Augest the kids are out of school and it's too hot. September kids go back to school so too busy with that. October has all the Medicare enrollment starting and Halloween and stuff.

Agents that do well with FE don't worry about any of that stuff. They get contracted, get leads and go sell. TODAY is the right day. And it doesn't matter what day on the calendar today is.
I always had my best months in Nov and December. Just see the people.

There are plenty of FE carriers out there. We bring on tons of agents with their carriers locked up for 6 months. You just need a Go To, somebody good for insulin, COPD, heart meds etc.

You can always get a lineup.