Sign Off Sheet Help


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Hello everyone, i've been a long time reader and i've just opened up my own P&C agency.

I did a search and did not come up with anything, and the advance search function is broken for me (the captcha doesnt show up) please forgive my new thread.

I was wondering if someone can help me come up with a list of things i should write on the sign off sheet for client to sign stating they understand what they are buying and i have explained it fully.

If there is a thread already could you please direct me or to any outside sources.

Thank you!
That seems like the product application. Do you see your clients in your office or you do it over the fax.
both, but i just want to have a sheet they sign and date stating that they declined so and so coverage and that they fully understand the insurance they are purchasing. And that if they didn't they have asked me to explain and i have done my job and they understand now.

Just trying to protect myself from some e&o claims.

One agency i saw had a check list of coverages where they answer Y or N and sign the bottom, but i dont know exactly whats on that list.