Single Payor Becomes Best Option

It's the same old BS from the liberals.
Not one mention of the "Doc Fix" with medicare right now.
Not one mention of medicare in a death spiral.

I quit reading the Huffington Post because the articles are based off one view.
Most definitely the Huffington Post writers and readers live in a fantasy world. Their minds are too closed to understand that the "Single Payor" Medicare program is coming apart at the seams. Yet they want the entire U.S. population put on just such a plan?
It's the same old BS from the liberals.
Not one mention of the "Doc Fix" with medicare right now.
Not one mention of medicare in a death spiral.

I quit reading the Huffington Post because the articles are based off one view.
HuffPo was a bit more "balanced" when Andrew Breitbart was a contributor. I am sure the AOL stockholders are not real pleased with the money they paid to purchase HuffPo ($315 million).
According to a recent poll, 70 percent favor expanding the existing Medicaid program to cover more low-income, uninsured adults.

And that......
Is what's wrong with this country.

Medicaid's Trust Fund is filled with $75 TRILLION of IOUs. Medicaid was designed as a safety net for the poor.

Shows you how uninformed the American public really is.
I don't believe Medicaid has a trust fund. Rather, it is funded out of general revenues from the feds + the state.
I don't quite understand your statement. Single payor to me means there is only one choice of insurance - for most over 65 that means Medicare.


I know, that's because the communists and liberals who have taken over our media and our government, have brainwashed you into thinking that. Think about the statement, "single payor". It means who will pay. If you walk up to a doctor and pay him cash, you are the single payor. If you go on medicare, you pay taxes and premiums. Then you pay for an insurance policy, and the policy pays. Or , you pay for out of pocket deductibles. There are three or four payors right there, you, the government, the insurance company, maybe a TPI.