Small Group Self Insured


Any suggestions on where I can learn more about this option? If you have experience with this is it a viable option for groups of 15-20? Thank you.
Its called a "Level Premium Self Funded Group".

Allstate is the major player in that right now. Google them along with the above term and you will find info.

Premiums pay majority of claims. Anything over a certain limit is covered by a StopLoss policy. Smaller the group, the easier it is to get upside down in the situation. Its good for younger demographics.
Its called a "Level Premium Self Funded Group".

Allstate is the major player in that right now. Google them along with the above term and you will find info.

Premiums pay majority of claims. Anything over a certain limit is covered by a StopLoss policy. Smaller the group, the easier it is to get upside down in the situation. Its good for younger demographics.
Is that 'STOP-LOSS' an option you buy in the Secondary Market... ?

I have been out of (direct involvement) the group health/benefits marketplace for a long time. However, when I sold that business, the group I sold it to still handle my clients today, and while I am not directly involved I attend meetings, get involved in the renewal, etc.

That said, while it's been years -- to the best of my knowledge -- self-insured only worked for larger groups -- and 15-20 wasn't even close -- for numerous reasons. Self-insuring deductibles, or certain specific liabilities can be a completely different story. Good luck!
to the best of my knowledge -- self-insured only worked for larger groups -- and 15-20 wasn't even close -- for numerous reasons.

UHC does level funded down to 5 lives in most states and down to 2 in mine. Allstate also does it down to 2 lives (although even they will tell you the numbers start getting weird in micro groups), Anthem does LF at 10 lives.

It's an unintended consequence of ACA.. in response to the community rating rules, the market has found a way to make level funding work for smaller businesses.