Snow Plowing Risk

you want mine? i dont even want any commission on it. just leave the auto and gl alone.

I appreciate it!

We are picky on these because of the bad loss ratios on them. Like the one we previously did, we want them to pay it in full, have experience, and try to get other lines to increase the premium on the account i.e. commercial auto and or personal lines. That is the only reason I wrote that other account.

Probably not a great fit for just the GL with us.
I appreciate it!

We are picky on these because of the bad loss ratios on them. Like the one we previously did, we want them to pay it in full, have experience, and try to get other lines to increase the premium on the account i.e. commercial auto and or personal lines. That is the only reason I wrote that other account.

Probably not a great fit for just the GL with us.

you can go after his personal. i don't hadnle that.
i'm sure if you tell him his snow policy is $2,500 he would let you have a crack at this personal. i'll email you the info.
I appreciate it! We are picky on these because of the bad loss ratios on them. Like the one we previously did, we want them to pay it in full, have experience, and try to get other lines to increase the premium on the account i.e. commercial auto and or personal lines. That is the only reason I wrote that other account. Probably not a great fit for just the GL with us.

Im interested in the lead if still available.
Anyone want a snow plow guy in Queens? called me a few times and I can't help him for less then $15K


Do you have dryden mutual direct or via a wholesaler? Their name keeps coming up but I've never heard of them until like 2 months ago.