So...What Will Happen if the Law is Struck Down And...

Ann H

5000 Post Club
Let's say the PPACA law is struck down by SCOTUS, and the whole law is called unconstitutional. What happens to a case like this:

1 - Client committed fraud on the application, had an expensive procedure, the insurer found out and cancelled the policy. However, due to PPACA laws the insurer could not RETROACTIVELY term the policy, but had to term it after the claim hit.

2 - PPACA is struck down

3 - Insurer goes back to court to claim fraud & material misrepresentation in order to rescind the policy back to the inception date and get back the money they paid for the claim.

This is just one scenario, but it applies to every issue in PPACA that once was law and suddenly is not law if SCOTUS overturns it. What happens in cases like that?
Ann (no sarcasm here) I do like your creative thoughts! How about this for an answer: Let Barak figure it out...Hes the smartest person to ever live in the white house, isn't he? Or is Michelle? What would Prince Pelosi do??? WWPD???
what about this one: kid is on life support, would have never been issued before. oldumbo care kicked out... was the policy written on an illegal contract?

I know the answer should be no, the block of biz keeps moving along but it makes you think...

had a major carrier just order APS on a kid with major health condition... major, full rate up is how it should go down... also, have not had an APS since b4 obammy care... why do you think they just did this? its called stalling.... stall till the ruling and then just turn the kid down.... this was a major carrier... major
I've been thinking about this kind of thing. Let's say the law is struck down, but the insurers grandfather, because it's better PR than kicking kids off insurance. I think they will flush the pool. They'll probably segregate all those accounts into the smallest pool they can do by law, then raise rates and offer "transfer options" to the insurable, leaving the uninsurable in the old pool. We've all seen this happen. In some states it's illegal. In most states there are rules that are meant to restrict this, but there are ways around those rules.
A society with national health care paid for through taxes is an anathema to conservatives... why should they pay for poor, fat, stupid, and often illegal irresponsible members of society (or their children) to get health care. After all, most are liberals... which is synonymous with communists in Maine and Kentucky.

Now Al, you had me there for a moment. I thought you were going to answer your own question, but no, you just wanted to be thought provoking.

Of course, your post is rhetorical, since virtually none of it is true. The Superbowl and World Series are not on Thursday, but hey, that would be a good idea!!!!

Looks like we might need to pass a law banning 20oz glasses of Kool-Aid in California.

I guess its our fault that Obama is having trouble over at the Court even though he got to appoint two of the justices and one of the prior appointments probably has a picture of Che Guevera on the wall in her office. Maybe Obama can continue on with his strategy of arguing that you need to re-elect him so that he can appoint more justices. You may get to see Jerry Brown on the Court yet. Yeh, that is what is needed.

Also, that bit about agents firing guns into the air like Arabs and lighting bonfires in the streets after the Court ruling actually does sound good. Always good to see a commie get his wings clipped a little.
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So what happens with commissions if the law gets struck down?

According to some, agents become rich, they buy nice cars, and run over the poor and sick babies/people standing in the medicaid line. I'm amazed at the left's portrayal of the conservatives approach to taking care of the less fortunate. Take a look at charity contributions differences, or Biden's tax return as a reference. The question is not IF we take of the less fortunate, it's a matter of how to finance the endeavor.