So You Think You Are Having a Bad Day?


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
The next time you think you are having a bad day.. Most of your leads turn out to have bad numbers, the ones you do rach hand up on you and all your appointments are no shows just think about the bad day these two guys are having and you won't think yours is so bad after all.

[FONT=&quot]Have you ever had a totally lousy day? There is a story about a man who was sitting in a bar, looking at his drink. He stayed like that for half-an-hour. Then, a big trouble-making truck driver stepped up next to him, grabbed the drink from him, and gulped it down in one swallow. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]At that, the man burst into tears. The truck driver said, "Come on man, I was just joking. Here, I'll buy you another drink. I just can't stand to see a grown man crying." [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"No, it's not that." The guy said, "Today day is the worst of my life. First, I overslept and was late to an important meeting. My boss was outraged and he fired me. When I left the office, I discovered my car had been stolen, and the police said there was nothing they could do. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I took a cab home, and as he drove off I realized I left my wallet in the back seat of the taxi.

I thought it couldn't get any worse, but when I walked into my house I found my wife in the arms of another man–and she told me to leave. So I stopped by a chemical store, and then came here. I've been sitting here thinking about taking my life…And then you come in and drink all my poison!"[/FONT]

Have a great day!:)
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Oh my Gawd....

The audio was impossible to follow due to all the background noise, but it sounded like you said everyone was alright and got out of that ok...? Was that your house...? Amazing.

I imagine the paint was blistered on the 2 or 3 vehicles sitting close to the fire...? Hard to peg the distance but the heat must have been drastic if it was the distance that it appeared; 30 ft or so...?

Any idea of the cause at this point...? I would say that as long as everyone is alright then you know you are having a good day, compared to what could have happened. Wish you all the best in what will be a monumental headache getting life back to some semblence of normal, although there may not be normal for a very long time when something like that happens. Wishing you the best.
The audio was impossible to follow due to all the background noise, but it sounded like you said everyone was alright and got out of that ok...? Was that your house...? Amazing.

the set of condo's next to me....4:30 in the morning I awake to an explosion and the walls rattling...the set of condo's next to ours is on fire and the explosion was a propane of 8:30 our building was out of danger....from my fr. door....


Dang STI! I was bitching because I have Alopecia-bald spots on my head.

I forgot my mantra, "Every day above ground is a good one."

Glad you're OK.
Dang STI!
I forgot my mantra, "Every day above ground is a good one."
Amen.. But I now have another. I buried a friend a couple of weeks ago. Not long before he died he said, "When I die just put in the paper, 'Marchel Brown, he died.' You should not have to put I was a loving husband and father. A man should be known by how he lives."