Social Distancing and Insurance Sales

I will never do video. It requires too paying attention to the client (vs email catch up), shaving, showering, background changes (no closets allowed), a decent shirt, not to mention the extra technology hurdle. Screen share is the furthest I will go.


"If I have to shower, shave, and put on a shirt, it's just too much work."

It seems I may be on to something............but, I did shave for first time in 50 days

Working from home means skipping the commute—and the shower

Working from home means skipping the commute—and the shower | BenefitsPRO

The Dos and Don'ts of Video Calls

"I accidentally hit video call while chatting in Teams and my boss and two co-workers heard my boyfriend ripping the bong in the background," one reader told me. "I said it was the dishwasher ‍♀️" It's unclear whether they believed her, but they all "continued on like nothing happened!"
Wait. I don't understand. I do, or do not, continue to cough on my clients and then lick their face as my way of saying "hello'?

No licking OR smelling their butt.

No one cares about doing video conferencing if you're doing telesales

This ^^^^^

If YOU want to teleconference and make it EASY for your prospects (no downloading and installing software) then go for it. Something that can be used on a smartphone, tablet or real computer.

Lots of ways to go about it via social media (FaceTime) and Google (Duo).

I was telemarketing before video chat was available. Telemarketing forces you to ask questions, LISTEN, take notes and respond. F2F affords visible cues. Telemarketing (sans video) has no visible cues. You must decipher auditory cues . . . pauses, inflections, snoring . . .

Video means you need to be conscious of what is in your background. Screen sharing (which I also don't use) means you need to be aware of tabs on your screen.
No one cares about doing video conferencing if you're doing telesales (for the most part). Your issue will be getting the right leads (people who are comfortable online/email/phone so the lead is normally sourced that way).

Get with an IMO that specializes in telesales and they'll guide you.

I think Video conferencing just adds another layer of complicated for some that is unnecessary

When I started I messed with it a little and found some just had issues downloading some I think felt uncomfortable with it

I felt it added time to the call and added some unnecessary pauses

So I moved away from video conferencing early on

I Don't believe I have ever lost a sale not doing video conferencing