Social Security Debit Card

I'm not sure of the exact name, but basically its a debit card that is has social security benefits direct deposited. It has an account number and routing number. Do any Final Expense carriers accept this as a form of payment? If they do, do they advance or are commissions as earned?
I use SNL.. There is a small monthly fee for the use of a Credit Card or the SS Direct Deposit card.. about $4 for every $50 in monthly premium... As soon as the first month premium is drawn, they advance 9 months... This is not necessarily good since my experience is that when the client uses Direct Deposit, they tend to cancel due to affordability... I like em to have a checking account!
I thought it was a violation of Visa and MC merchant policy to charge a fee to accept their card? It is in their agreement the merchants sign to accept their cards.

I use SNL.. There is a small monthly fee for the use of a Credit Card or the SS Direct Deposit card.. about $4 for every $50 in monthly premium... As soon as the first month premium is drawn, they advance 9 months... This is not necessarily good since my experience is that when the client uses Direct Deposit, they tend to cancel due to affordability... I like em to have a checking account!
I thought it was a violation of Visa and MC merchant policy to charge a fee to accept their card? It is in their agreement the merchants sign to accept their cards.

I used to sell c.c. Processing and that was true. I think it just changed though.