Sparks and the replies

I can call black people gorillas cause Mitch McConnell looks like a turtle !!
You can juxtapose one description involving an animal with the most fitting of another. Gorilla is clearly the most fitting. Dude, I've read your posts. You don't strike me as the type sensitive to others' feelings.
I stand by every post I've submitted and hope they last longer than if etched in stone.
You decided to read it after all? That's good.

White people are called racist as a slur.

I caught a glimpse of looters/rioters a few months ago and thought, "They look like a bunch of wild, waste-slinging chimps." On closer examination I notice the majority were white. That didn't change my original impression one iota. Let's not leave out the part where I stated, "No matter what race they are."

Not sure I ever used the term "monkey," Have you? Have you ever used the N word, there, Dudeypants?

Ok, I suspected my reference to SJL would be the most inflammatory. I wouldn't have gone there had I not heard her make countless racist statements toward my demographic. Still, there's no denying, my assessment of her appearance is spot on. Care to deny it?

I didn't read your post. Or this one.
You can juxtapose one description involving an animal with the most fitting of another. Gorilla is clearly the most fitting. Dude, I've read your posts. You don't strike me as the type sensitive to others' feelings.
I stand by every post I've submitted and hope they last longer than if etched in stone.
This one I read

Nope not soft. I've admitted I'm wrong many times on here. I also know a stupid take when I see one.
Yeah I guess. I don't think I've ever heard him that bad. Definitely has never been a "debate" moderated so poorly with someone like trump. The format was bad. They needed rebuttals that didn't cut into their minutes.
Trump was being Trump.. He has never known when to keep his mouth shut! :no: (from a Trump voter). There were times that if he hadn't interrupted JB, JB would have hung himself out to dry.