Stand Alone Group LTD


I've got an employer I work with that is looking to add LTD to his group plan but the current carrier does not offer that with their medical plan, they only offer short term. Is there a company that has a stand alone group LTD policy I could add?

Under 10 lives makes it much more difficult finding a carrier willing to offer guaranteed issue. I've had a lot of success using Hartford in the 5 to 10 employee range, may want to check there. Fort Dearborn may be another to run, not sure what their guaranteed issue requirements are off hand. Principal can be competitive, but don't believe they'll do guaranteed issue that low.
All of the major players in group benefits will have an offering for that group. Few, if any, will have a guaranteed issue offering for you though.
Colonial has a guaranteed issue product with 5 lives and 50% participation but the max benefit period is only two years-- not really LONG Term Disability more like MID Term Disability!