Standardized Plan I Rates

She has a separate Part D plan to take care of the meds.

Thanks to Frank (you da man!) I moved her over to Plan N with United of Omaha, saving her $60 a month. As I stated in the previous post, she is a sharp lady and is willing to pay the Part B deductible every year, as well as pay the copay/percentage for the doc visits.

Moving her to AARP Part D from Humana, saving her another $12 per month.
Most insureds still on plans H, I & J have the embedded Rx coverage.
At least what I frequently see.
Most insureds didn't know that when the Part D cards rolled out, the insurance industry developed hybrid plans H, I and J without the embedded Rx coverage.
This then enabled insureds to basically keep their current H, I & J plans w/o Rx coverage and then enroll in a Part D.
The only way Rick would have know this woman already had a Part D card is because her current premium for I is $171/mo. That is reflective of no Rx coverage.
Otherwise, Rick is a good guesser and I still owe him a beer.
The reason I "knew" she didn't have the Rx inside plan I was that she was only paying $171.

Comes with experience. Let me know if I can help you with your career. I helped Frank...I"m sure I can do the same for you.

By the way, don't send me $2. Send it to Al. Maybe he'll stop whining about the lead he gave me where I made $500.
