Started with New Company and Not Sure I Should Stat.


New Member
So I started with this company to get their personal lines up and running and they gave me a $36K draw with 50% referral for commercial and group.
They do no advertising,marketing and still don't have their website up. I have been producing and it's as if I'm starting this as a new business and I'm fine with that but the owner has been saying they if I'm not producing $25K per month their going to have to eliminate my draw. I feel that taking them from where they were and bring them into the 21st century on top of producing that from scratch is almost setting myself up for failure...any thoughts.
Thanks guys.
I think it is a challenge for you to make. Most companies are counting on or should I say depending on their peoples' abilities. Plus the fact that they hired you, so this means among other people you are the most qualified person for the job. Go and prove yourself to them.
It is also a great idea you've got there tryan. Maybe when a person can really say that he is ready to be independent and that his abilities are not worth any paychecks.