Starting a Commercial Insurance Agency from Scratch Advice Needed

Starting a Florida Commercial Lines Agency? From Scratch... Wow!

Totally Agree

Totally Correct

I mostly agree, however an argument can always be made that the best time to jump in is the time that most folks are jumping out. And that could be now.

Establishing lead flow, took me about 8 years. Now I have more leads than I know what to do with. What is constantly changing is the market. And the market is friggin tight. Im heavy on PL, but I do have CL and its reallllly challenging to find proper cover for lots of clients right now. And the thing that seems obvious, but no one will tell you - is that when you hang out your new shingle the number one thing people are likely to ask you for the is the type of insurance that is hardest to find.

To try and answer your question. You've got to get enough deals closed before you can start taking in referrals. Referrals are how most agencies grow [regardless of if they will admit this or not]. Getting to that point can be done with lots of ad spend, lots of appt setting calls, SEO development, in person advertising, guerrilla marketing, Key contact cross referrals - but its a grind no matter how you slice it for the first five years. I personally did this on the internet.

I wish you the best of luck.
So the issue isn’t the leads but the actual companies suck right now…

Wouldn’t the solution be to get more appointments or to join an agency network then?
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