State Insurance Mystery


New Member
Hello, I live in AZ and have had AHCCCS before (the state's insurance) and then later, I got private insurance so in thinking I was no longer eligible, I didn't reapply when I got a letter for renewal. Anything I tried to pay with it subsequent to that was denied for a while. Then for the last year or two I have been receiving care at a doctor's office and I thought my insurance was paying for it. Today I found out in fact AHCCCS has been paying, and that I do in fact have an active status and have for over a year. This in itself is unusual since you need to renew it every few months or it stops. But what really is the mystery is that on their page, it says "ADHC state Adoption Fund", but I have NO adopted kids, nor have I ever! Unlike tradition AHCCCS, there is NO end date, no renewal; it's open ended. I thought maybe it was a mix-up or identity issue but my picture is ON the page's file! I am not using it for anything because I don't want to get in trouble, but my doctor has been and keeps billing them. I can't reach anyone that could answer questions, all the phones just ring endlessly. I am not sure I even want to bring it to their attention, it seems like a mess and it's not through my doing. Does anyone know what this could possibly be?! I am so perplexed. I came here wondering, not knowing who to ask! Any insight would probably be helpful. thank you!
You can go to your local AHCCS office and explain to them the situation. If not they might come after you for that money or send a detective to your home to arrest you.