Step Right Up to Get Your Waiver

Seems like HHS Secretary Shebullshits is now an official member of the Waffle House coffee club.
HHS gives waivers, while the NAIC tries to do the enforcement pushed on them by PPACA. The 222 waivers (so far) seem an attempt by HHS to play good-cop to the states' bad-cop. They want Federal regulation.
dear employee: We screwed you by offering these limited plans. We are now required to tell you that we screwed you. Good news is that we got a "get out of jail" free card in our premium statement, and you can keep the plan which won't help you at all. Also know, PCIP is available for twice your salary at

The National Journal (12/10, DoBias, subscription required) reports that on Thursday, HHS "released new guidelines that require issuers of so-called 'mini-med' plans to explicitly and 'in plain language' explain the financial and coverage limitations inherent in them. Insurers must also direct consumers to a government website,, where they can obtain additional information about the product types." The department "also issued a guidance that severely restricts the sale of such plans by the 222 insurers, unions and employers offer the more-restrictive plans." The Hill (12/10, Millman) reports in its Healthwatch blog, "Health insurers offering so-called 'mini med' plans must notify customers in plain language and within 60 days that their insurance plans offer extremely limited benefits, according to new Department of Health and Human Services guidance released Thursday." According to HHS, the "guidance...ensures that consumers in plans with low annual limits are notified of the quality of their health plan so that they can make informed decisions about whether mini-med coverage is right for them."
AC has OCDC.

Why create another "waiver" related thread when one exists already? Besides, this American Territories waiver story isn't important enough to the overall agent community for a separate thread/headline.

Cute cartoon Somarco!
