Sterling Health Plans

I am looking into them. Seems like a lot of work to me, but I've worked hard at this before. It may have been 1988 and 1991 when I worked hard, but I remember it. I liked it back then, things have changed since then I know....
It's been said they were tied to Combined. That is where their list came from now with the split I guess they lose this ability. I've never looked into Sterling very deep since I heard they were in bed with Combined I ran the other way.
As I said before I have extensive experience with Sterling, I was the Market Manager. Their lists in the past came from data compilers not Combined. We purchased some leads from Combined, but those had to be destroyed once Combined and Sterling seperated. They still do make cold calls all based on a list of names for people 64 and under for marketing their additional products which are hard to sell in today's economy. They no longer are basing their New Agent Incentive off of Medicare Advanatage products which makes it harder to achieve. Only about 32% of the agents are hitting their NAI. Only thing I can say is stay away. Not worth the time or hassle.
I worked for them briefly. It was a bad experience. The corporate training was good. The field training was a nightmare. The leads that were promised never panned out. They will feed you a couple of sales a week in training. But after that it was all about cold calling on recycled lists.

They pay very low for MA, about half of what an Indy would get. Their are MA plans are priced higher than some others in the marketplace. There are also better seals in the Med Sup market for the money.

You could possibly have a good couple of months during open enrollment, but the rest of the year will be a struggle. The only other plans we could sell were from US and were not very competitive. And the hiring process is so long at this point, you are looking at missing open enrollment.

My office was very poorly run. Some may be better. But all have high turnaround. I would not recommend them.
The office I interviewed with -had strategic alliances to write underage 65 stuff and LTC and other stuff, through other companies. They were trying to get away from writing so much MA. { at least that was the impression I got}