Stuck and in need of help

Yeah you always want to pick a go to company. Lead off with that company in every house and only pivot if

Social Security billing is very important to keep biz on the books. The only company you have there that has it currently is Trans. Never recommend using trans as a newbie.
Yeah you always want to pick a go to company. Lead off with that company in every house and only pivot if you need to for health/weight/budget issues.

Social Security billing is very important to keep biz on the books. The only company you have there that has it currently is Trans. Never recommend using trans as a newbie.

RNA will have it soon on 1/3rd. Along with an instant decision E app. So maybe focus on that. They've been doing SS billing for 2/3/4 Wed for awhile and have noticed a 50%+ increase in persistency.

RNA is also probably the most liberal UW out of what you have there. Easiest to understand as far as UW goes too. Just make sure they can answer the health questions no and check their Rx guide (note that any cancer pills are considered treatment and will get you a decline, but they aren't on the Rx guide).

So I would lead off with RNA for 60+ and use Trans and/or LBL for copd and some of their other niches as backup.

American Amicable and Prosperity have true SS billing as well. Also they both have EAPP and are very user friendly.