Survey: What is the Increase on Your Health Plan for 2015?

GF policy - BC-Tx - $10,000 Ded - 30%
My son's policy:
GF policy - BC-Tx - $5000 Ded HSA - 40%

My GF clients want to know WHY these non-ACA policies are increasing SO much.
Gotta be utilization in this MLR world, but I don't remember any mass plagues spreading around the state.

They're still MUCH, MUCH cheaper than moving to an ACA policy, though.
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200% because I'm getting dumped from my $65/mo $4k deductible HSA pre-ACA plan into a wonderful $6300 bronze plan for triple the price. woohoo!
64% on my $5,000 deductible HSA plan. The Pre-ACA plan was termed, and now I must become Obamacized. Argh.
About 19%, from $840.63 to $1,001.15 (HRINY PS Platinum parent/child).

We have age 29 riders here in NY, so I have a few more years of staying on the parent's plan.
3%, but we are on a group plan. Have a $500 deductible, 100% thereafter, and a $25 office copay.
My non subsidy Humana plan was $135 this year for a bronze plan. The letter I just got says it will be almost $180 next year.