Switch from L to G Benefits

Seriously, without the prodding of a few of the Pros here, I would'n have gotten SIL's business with ease this afternoon.

My first MS. All went w/o a hitch! Thanks guys!:)
You did'nt get yours? I can't believe it!
I sent those out last week. Give it a little more time..maybe 6 months to make sure it does'nt come back to me. By then, it'll be void and I'll resend...OK?
You did'nt get yours? I can't believe it!
I sent those out last week. Give it a little more time..maybe 6 months to make sure it does'nt come back to me. By then, it'll be void and I'll resend...OK?

I can clear this up. I got Rick's check. As soon as I get time to go to the post office I will forward it to him.;)
Thanks Frank! You are a great american!

I need to ask a question. I have studied these med supp books backwards and forwards and can't find the answer.

I may need to know this for any future seminars I hold and if a savvy student asks me this, I don't want to look TOTALLY stupid..

But, is working the 80-95 y/o market a waste of time? My rates are fairly reasonable for those brackets, and there are a lot of folks over 80 close to my location.

Thanks, and I will choose the best answer. The winner will receive one quart of free goat milk, shipped ground in a brown cardboard box, courtesy of Frank. That is, of course, unless Frank's the winner. In which case, I will send him the winners check.:goofy:And, a thermos full of rank coffee.
I have plenty of clients in their 80's and even a few in their 90's. Just had a client die a few months ago at 101.

However, you will find that it is much more difficult for a person that old to pass underwriting. The other issue is that for many of them, you need to get past a gatekeeper (kid) who is sure you're only there to screw their parent.

Now, if you could find a way to market to their children using the idea of "help your parents," you might have something.

I'll pass on the goat milk and simply wait for the rack of goat.

I've got dozens and dozens of clients over 80 and several over 90. My oldest at this time is 98. You'd be surprised how healthy some of that crowd is. Be very carful of "cognitive" limitations and if one says: "I need to ask my son/daughter"... back off and get the kids phone number.

Any of my marketing efforts are 67-83. Those over/under that range are strictly the result of word of mouth referrals.
Thanks Frank! You are a great american!

I need to ask a question. I have studied these med supp books backwards and forwards and can't find the answer.

I may need to know this for any future seminars I hold and if a savvy student asks me this, I don't want to look TOTALLY stupid..

But, is working the 80-95 y/o market a waste of time? My rates are fairly reasonable for those brackets, and there are a lot of folks over 80 close to my location.

Thanks, and I will choose the best answer. The winner will receive one quart of free goat milk, shipped ground in a brown cardboard box, courtesy of Frank. That is, of course, unless Frank's the winner. In which case, I will send him the winners check.:goofy:And, a thermos full of rank coffee.

As much as I hate to admit it, Rick's answer is the same as I would have given. I specifically target seniors between the ages of 67 and 78 for that reason. Seniors 80+ are often difficult to get to qualify for a Med Supp unless you are selling in MO or CA. Those are "guaranteed issue" states.

However, I live on "rank coffee".

To Rick,

My goats are for showing, not for eating. I can send you some pork chops if you like. :laugh:
Thanks for all the great answers.

I do have a large rural area near me with over 80's..
I don't think I will ignore them, as they are probably sleepers for the most part, and not bothered by many competitors. If I limit myself, I may lose a sale, and will never know for sure.

But, as Rick said, the "gatekeeper" is a major problem. I have run into that many times with FE. Neither did I consider the added age and health problems that could surface.

Duhhhh! I do sell health insurance now, right?

I guess they are worth a try. Rates not bad. N/S, F, 86, about $135.

FE rates are crazy.. You get over 75, and they practically run you out of town on a rail, after you show them their payment.