Take steps now to prepare for Amazon Care’s national rollout

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Take steps now to prepare for Amazon Care’s national rollout | BenefitsPRO

Whether they want to or not, benefits brokers and employers must be prepared to navigate the disruption Amazon Care presents.

“We don’t know what Amazon is doing, but we can read the tea leaves,” Mick Rodgers, managing partner of Axial Benefits Group, said during a webinar the Burlington, Mass.-based consulting firm hosted for benefits brokers on April 1, titled “Amazon Care: A Serious Threat!” “This is going to be a threat we’re going to have to contend with. There’s no longer the thought that ‘They can’t do this.’”

The online giant is tapping into the increasing popularity of — and demand for — telemedicine services and virtual care in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
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otherwise sounds like a bit of a sales pitch will follow this helping the one earning you of the impending doom.