I remember a second call (he expressed interest off the initial call) where I gave the guy numbers for a similar plan that cost much less. The next step would have been to set-up a time to stop out and put in an application. Instead, the guy calls me unethical. I asked him why and he told me, "if you were giving me real numbers the quotes wouldn't have been given in flat dollar amounts." (by his reasoning, the quote would should have been $253.63 instead of the $254.00 number I quoted).
I told him that's how BC/BS priced the plan, that's the rate. He then hung up on me. It took me about two minutes to figure out what just happened. I'm convinced there was another reason he didn't want to get together, but that's the best excuse he could come up with. In the end, it doesn't matter, next!
I have met some really great clients off of cold calls, luckily, the above is far and few between.